- What is your name? Ricardo and Vicky
- How long have you worked or Red Door Cleaning for? 6 years
- Why do you love cleaning? Things look nicer once they’re clean, it’s better for our health removing all messes and getting rid of bacteria.
- If you’re not cleaning, what else are you doing with your time? Watching television, exercising, spending time with our family and friends, going to church.
- Why do you love working for Red Door Cleaning? It’s a very responsible and punctual company, very organized which demonstrates respect, something we highly value. We have an amazing boss with a lot of human quality
- What is one thing that surprised you when you started working for Red Door Cleaning? We were very surprised by the opportunities we were given to work together, and how understanding our boss has been.
- If you didn’t have to work, what would you do with your time? Travel around the world and volunteer
- What was your first job ever? I was a mailman at 19, and my wife worked at a clothing store at 16..
- What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard? Put God first in everything you do.
- What is the weirdest fact you know? Dolphins sleep with one eye open, Our daughter found this out while researching dolphins for a school project
- If you could take a month to travel anywhere, where would you go? We’d go back home, to Colombia.
- Are you a cat person or a dog person? Dog person for sure, they’re more energetic although cats are also very friendly
- What is an interesting fact about yourself? We love to learn new things
- What is one non-work related goal that you would like to achieve in the next five years? Volunteering at a retirement a home is our goal
- What is your most used emoji? 🤗
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