Having a clean house or office is important. It helps to keep the home looking great, of course, and it also has plenty of other benefits. Because it will reduce dust and other allergens in the home, it can help to reduce allergies. You are killing bacteria and reducing the risk of mold, which makes the home healthier, as well. Cleaning the house and keeping it clean can also help to reduce the amount of stress a person feels, and it can even improve a person’s mental state.
However, many never stop to think about the items they are using to keep the house clean. In some cases, when cleaners are laden down with chemicals, they could end up being more problematic than having a dirty home. Therefore, you will want to make sure that you start to find ways that you can keep the home nice and clean without all of the harsh cleansers that tend to be on the store shelves.
Let’s look at some helpful natural cleaning tips that will allow you to keep your home nice and clean, all without bringing more dangerous chemicals into your home or work environment.
Easy to Make Cleaner
First, you will want to start making your own all purpose cleaners, and this is easier than you might imagine, and you can make it as you need it. All you need is to have a spray bottle and a few simple, natural ingredients.
In the spray bottle, you will want to put about half a cup of white vinegar, which is a fantastic cleaner and that will help to remove stains, mineral deposits, and even reduce bad odors. The odor of the vinegar itself will dissipate when the cleaner dries. In addition to the vinegar, you will want to add several drops of eucalyptus essential oil, as this has antimicrobial properties and will reduce the scent of the vinegar. You could also use tea tree oil if you prefer.
Next, you will want to add two tablespoons of baking soda to the mixture. Baking soda is a fantastic cleaning item, as it can help to deodorize and remove stains. Finally, fill up the rest of the spray bottle with water. Shake it and it will be ready to use and help with your cleaning needs in the kitchen, bathroom, and just about anywhere else that you might need it.
Variations of Cleaning Products
Of course, you can also try out variations of this recipe for cleaning different cleaners for different needs. When you are cleaning your windows, for example, you might want to go with a 50/50 mixture of water and vinegar for some great results. When mopping laminate floors, you can add about a quarter cup of vinegar to a bucket of warm water, followed by a few drops of essential oils.
Vinegar is also a great item to use if you want to clean out the microwave and get rid of nasty odors. Put a cup of vinegar into the microwave in a microwave safe bowl, preferably made from glass. Then, you will heat if on high for between six and eight minutes. The goal is to have the vinegar reach the boiling point, which creates condensation on the inside of the microwave. Let it sit for several minutes, and then you can easily wipe the surface of the microwave clean.
These are some of the best and simplest ways that you can keep your home or office clean without resorting to using chemicals. As you can see from the limited ingredients, it is easy to get started. At Red Door Cleaning we like to use safe and eco-friendly cleaning products. If you are looking for a service that can help tackle more difficult stubborn areas, contact us!