- What is your name? Avery
- How long have you worked or Red Door Cleaning for? I initially started working for Red Door in January of 2017, ended up taking a different career path, and then came back for part time work this past year because I just love the company.
- Why do you love cleaning? I’ve always loved the sense of satisfaction that comes from cleaning, but now having worked in a few corporate environments, I even more so value the role I fill in keeping a workplace clean and orderly. It’s hard to get things done in a dirty environment.
- If you’re not cleaning, what else are you doing with your time? I have a second job in marketing, and when I’m not busy with that, I’m either volunteering or spending time with my dog.
- Why do you love working for Red Door Cleaning? Karen is a great boss andd I appreciate how she has structured the company to empower us.
- What is one thing that surprised you when you started working for Red Door Cleaning? I still tell the story o how it felt like I completely bombed my interview with Karen – I was super nervous, had car troubles and was late, and I even got her name wrong. But she still took the time to interview me, listined to my answers, and gave me a chance. Five years later, here we are!
- If you didn’t have to work, what would you do with your time? Move into a cabin in the middle of the woods.
- What was your first job ever? I started helping my parents with their janitorial jobs when I was about 12. I also started working with my dad on construction projects as he owned his own company.
- What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard? Grow where you’re planted – sometimes our situations are limited but that doesn’t mean we can’t try to make the best of it.
- What is the weirdest fact you know? There was an epidemic of laughing fits in Tanganyika in 1962 that affected around 100 people and lasted for 18 months.
- If you could take a month to travel anywhere, where would you go? Tanzania or Kenya.
- Are you a cat person or a dog person? Very much a dog person, but I don’t mind friendly cats. My roomate is also a reptile breeder so we have a bit of a snake collection going on as well.
- What is an interesting fact about yourself? I’ve been learning Swahili for 3.5 years and I own 2 snakes.
- What is one non-work related goal that you would like to achieve in the next five years? I’d like to travel to Africa and improve my Swahili!
- What is your most used emoji? The smiley 😊 and the 😂 are about equal.
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